Образец для цитирования:
Смолина Е. С., Ручин А. В. Доверие и сфера предпринимательства: современные зарубежные исследования // Известия Саратовского университета. Новая серия. Серия: Социология. Политология. 2014. Т. 14, вып. 1. С. 46-50. DOI: https://doi.org/10.18500/1818-9601-2014-14-1-46-50
Доверие и сфера предпринимательства: современные зарубежные исследования
В статье обобщены результаты зарубежных исследований доверия в сфере предпринимательства, а именно: определены основные типы исследований и спектр смежных проблем.
1 См.: Management Research on Reciprocity : A Review
of the Literature // Markus Gцbel, Rick Vogel, Christiana
Weber. URL: http://www.business-research.org/2013/1/
management/3645 (дата обращения: 11.09.2013).
2 См.: Сасаки М. [и др.] Сравнительный анализ доверия
в различных странах // Социс. 2013. № 3. С. 62–73.
3 Building Trust in Business 2012 : How Top Companies
Leverage Trust, Leadership, and Collaboration // Interac-
tion Associates. URL: http://www.interactionassociates.
com/Trust2012 (дата обращения: 14.09.2013).
4 Solidarity as a Business Model : A Multi-Stakeholder Coop-
eratives Manual // Margaret Lund. URL: http://community-
holder-cooperatives-manual (дата обращения: 01.09.2013).
5 Hanging Together, Together Hung? Career Implications of
Interpersonal Ties Between CEOs and Top Managers // Ste-
fanHilger, Ansgar Richter, Utz Schдffer. URL: http://www.
business-research.org/2013/1/management/3644 (дата
обращения: 07.09.2013).
6 Solidarity-based and Cooperative Economy and Ethi-
cal Business: Trends, Innovations and Experiences in
Europe // Sonia Buglione, Rainer Schlьter. URL: http://
economy_in_europe/ (дата обращения: 28.09.2013).
7 Companies Build Public Trust Through Sustainability Re-
porting // Hill+Knowlton strategies. URL: www.hkstrate-
gies.com (дата обращения: 20.09.2013).
8 United States Small Business Friendliness. United States
Census Data. 2013 Thumbtack.com Survey. URL: www.
thumbtack.com (дата обращения: 20.09.2013).
9 Entrepreneurship in EU and beyond // Flash Euroba-
rometer URL: http://ec.europa.eu/public_opinion/Ȇash/
Ȇ_354_en.pdf (дата обращения: 23.09.2013).
10 Entrepreneurship Survey of the EU (25 Member States),
United States, Iceland and Norway. Analytical Report //
The Gallup Organization. URL: http://ec.europa.eu/
public_opinion/flash/fl_192_en.pdf (дата обращения:
11. Hiring and Employment Procedures for One-Person-
Enterprises // Flash Eurobarometer 163-TNS Sofres/EOS
Gallup Europe. URL: http://ec.europa.eu/public_opinion/
Ȇash/Ȇ_163_en.pdf (дата обращения: 23.09.2013).
12 The Relationship between Group Cohesiveness and Per-
formance : An Empirical Study of Cooperatives Movement
in Malaysia // Mohd Zainal Munshid Bin Harun, Rosli Bin
Mahmood. URL: http://wscholars.com/index.php/ijcs/
article/view/110 (дата обращения: 01.10.2013).
13. Cohesion Through Diversity: Presentation Before the Indi-
ana State Of͓ce of Minority Health. Minority Health Con-
ference // R. Garry Shirts. URL: http://www.stsintl.com/
business/Cohesion-thru-Diversity.pdf (дата обращения:
14 См.: Executive Summary: 2013 Edelman Trust Ba-
rometer // Edelman. URL: http://www.edelman.com/
trust-downloads/executive-summary (дата обращения:
15 Jaime Dнez Medrano. Interpersonal trust // ASEP/JDS.
URL: http://www.jdsurvey.net/jds/jdsurveyMaps.jsp
?Idioma=I&SeccionTexto=0404&NOID=104 (дата
обращения: 23.09.2013).
16 Ibid.
17 World Values Survey 1981–2008 Official Aggregate
v. 20090901, 2009. World Values Survey Association
(www.worldvaluessurvey.org). Aggregate File Producer:
ASEP/JDS, Madrid.
18 ESS Round 5 : European Social Survey Round
5 Data (2010). Data ͓le edition 3.0. Norwegian Social
Science Data Services, Norway – Data Archive and
distributor of ESS data.
19 Americans and Social Trust : Who, Where and Why // Paul
Taylor, Cary Funk, April Clark. URL: http://pewresearch.
org/files/old-assets/social/pdf/SocialTrust.pdf (дата
обращения: 22.09.2013).