Politics of the Journal

The Journal «Izvestiya of Saratov University. Sociology. Politology» is a scientific periodical.

Short title: Izv. Sarat. Univ. Sociology. Politology


ISSN 2541-8998 (online)
ISSN1818-9601 (print)


The Journal comes out 4 times a year.


The founder and the publisher of the journal is Saratov State University


The journal is registered in the Federal Service for Supervision of Communications, Information Technology, and Mass Media (Roskomnadzor).

Registration PI № FS77-76650 of 26 August, 2019.


The journal subscription index is 36016. The subscription is available in online catalogue Ural-Press Group of  Companies (ural-press.ru). The price is not fixed.


The electronic version of the journal is open access. The content is published under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License (CC-BY 4.0)


Journal Themes:

Sociology, including all major areas of sociology (theory and history of sociology, methodology and methods of applied sociological research, economic sociology, sociology of youth, sociology of family, sociology of deviant behavior, sociology of regional development, sociology of religion, sociology of social work, sociology of culture, sociology of politics, sociology of labor, etc.).
Political science, including all major areas of political science (theory and philosophy of politics, history and methodology of political science, political institutions, processes and technologies, public administration and sectoral policy, political culture and ideologies, political problems of international relations, global and regional development, political regionalism, ethnopolitics, conflictology).


The journal is included in the list of leading refereed scientific journals and issues recommended for the publication of the main results of research papers (q. v. The letter about the List of refereed scientific journals of 01.12.2015 №16-6518, list High Attistation Commission from 01.12.2015)



The full text version of the Journal is accessible in the Electronic library (SEL) of Russian Federation eLibrary.


The journal is aimed at covering the results of contemporary scientific investigations in perspective trends of scientific activity and assistance in education and science development, carried out by scientific association.


The objective audience of the Journal is presented by specialists in Sociology and Political Science.


Aims and Scope. The journal aims at publications the articles of theoretical, methodical, debatable and critical character, containing new results in all sociological sections (theory and methodology, methods and technology of applied sociological investigations, sociology of economics, conflicts, youth, management, family, deviant behavior, regional development, religion, social work, culture, politics, labor etc) and political science (theory and philosophy, history and methodology of politics, political institutions, processes and technologies, political culture and ideologies, political problems of international relations, global and regional development, political regional studies, ethno politics conflict studies).


The journal tasks are.


- operative acquaintance of scientific humanitarian association with intermediate and complete results of the latest investigations in the fields of sociology and political science.

- the formation of scientific schools and trends, information support of prior scientific investigations;

- ensuring scientific communication and discussion fo political scientists and sociologists from various regions of R F on the most socio-political modern issues;

- assistance in exchanging scientific approaches, ideas and opinions inside professional communities;

- ensuring the possibilities for the usage of theoretical and applied investigations in the fields of sociology and political science, aimed at the formation of political agenda and making power decisions on federal and regional levels;

- discussing the contemporary forms of university humanitarian (sociological and politological) education.


The original articles in the fields of: Sociology and Political Science, not previously published, as well as the materials in the section “The Chronicle of Scientific Life”, are eligible for publication.


The articles must be compiled according to the Journal Requirements. The materials, previously published in other media, and the materials, submitted for publication in other journals, are not eligible for publication, as well.


The manuscripts received by the editorial office are reviewed (see Article review), then the editorial board takes the decision on the publication of the article in the journal.


For observing the rights and duties of the authors publishing their scientific articles in «Izvestia of Saratov University», “the License Treaty” between the authors and the Journal Publisher on the right to use scientific publication must be signed.

The form of Treaty is attached.