A Word to Young Politological Scientists

International political aspects of countering discrimination sports sanctions against the Russian Federation after the 2014 Olympic games

The article examines political aspects of the development of the doping scandal in international sports, which began after the 2014 Olympic Games. The accusations made against the Russian Federation for creating and supporting an institutionalized system of doping use point to the unprecedented nature of the information company. Despite the obvious political background of the doping scandal and the noticeable fl aws of the charges, Russian sports functionaries were unable to fully exploit the potential of the political information counteraction company.

Trust, distrust and fake news in the process of political legitimization

The article examines influence of factors of trust, distrust, and fake news on the level of legitimacy of state power and decisions taken. The position of the authors who establish a clear correlation between the level of legitimacy of the government and the level of development of its democratic institutions is disputed. The legitimacy of power is based on the assessment of the conformity of the position of authority and decisions made to the image of power formed in the civil consciousness and shared ideological positions.

International relations of Moscow city in modern conditions

The relevance of the article lies in the fact that the international activity of the cities of our country in the context of the escalating geopolitical confrontation, which has global and regional dimensions, is becoming increasingly important for the formation and implementation of the foreign policy of the Russian Federation. The city is becoming a real actor in modern international relations, often being able to defend its own interests by infl uencing the foreign policy of the state to meet local needs.

Left parties in the modern political process in Europe

The article examines the role of European left parties in the politics of their countries and the European Union. The author of the article examines the main types of European left parties, their program goals and the electorate. Modern left-wing European parties in terms of ideological orientation are mostly representatives of social democrats, the Greens, democratic socialists and communists, which roughly corresponds to the left-wing party coalitions existing in the European Parliament, with the exception of communists of the Marxist-Leninist type popular mainly outside the EU.

The problem of ensuring spiritual and moral security in the programmatics of parliamentary political parties of the Russian Federation

The article is devoted to the study of the problem of ensuring spiritual and moral security in the political programs of the parties included in the State Duma of the Federal Assembly of the eighth convocation. The analysis of program documents of political parties published on the offi cial websites of political organizations and public authorities was carried out. The actual approaches of political parties to the problems of ensuring spiritual and moral security and the fundamental ways of their resolution are revealed.

Assessment of Russian historical events in the pre-election programs of political parties in the elections to the State Duma of the 8th convocation

The author examines the mention, evaluation, and interpretation of historical events and personalities in the programs of political parties that put forward lists of their candidates for elections to the State Duma of the Russian Federation of the 8th convocation. As a result of the study, the author came to the conclusion that radical assessments of historical events, both positive and negative, are found only in isolated cases, which indicates the broad ideological boundaries of most parties.

America’s left turn: A new generation of socialists

The article is devoted to the change in the attitude of American society to the ideology of socialism at the beginning of the XXI century. The article examines reasons for popularity of leftist ideas in the United States, the most popular interpretations of the concept of “socialism” among American citizens, taking into account their age or belonging to a particular social group.

Technological means of analyzing image-forming political media texts: Possibilities and limitations

The article presents possibilities of analyzing image-forming texts by means of specialized software. Restrictions related to automated information processing are separately articulated. The author concludes that it is preferable to use a mixed version of the study of media messages, involving a combination of manual and machine-based analysis of their main parameters.

Administrative regulation of the regional electoral cycle in Russia: The main trends of regional heads elections in 2019–2020

This article elaborates the thesis the process and results of the regional heads elections in 2019 and 2020. An attempt is also made to frame the model of the manageable electoral procedure for the governors’ appointments implemented during the period of the regional election campaigns of 2019 and 2020. The methodological framework includes the design of the regional electoral cycle and the concept of the viability of public administration and administrative elites as an independent research category of political science.

Advertising communications of an opposition candidate (A case study of Pavel Grudinin’s electoral campaign)

The article contains results of the research of advertising communication of the candidate P. N. Grudinin. Drawing on the data from social surveys, the author puts forward a thesis that the political idea promoted by the candidate is irrelevant for the majority of voters in Russia. The following features of advertising communications are highlighted: an appeal to the past; the lack of attempts to expand the electoral base; use of oppositions.
