For Authors
Requirements for the Authors
publishing their articles,
in the Journal
Izvestiya of Saratov University. Sociology. Politology
1.General information
1.1 The Journal «Izvestiya of Saratov University. Sociology. Politology» is issued 4 times a year and adopts for publication theoretical, methodical, debatable, critical articles, the results of research in the field of socio-political, sociocultural, international links and relations in modern Russian society; evolution and formation of Russian political institutions and mechanisms of their functioning on regional and federal levels and also regional political processes specific peculiarities, their subjects, strategies and tendencies; history, theory and modern functioning of the Russian, English, German and French languages, the problems of people speech communication, theory and history of literature, literary criticism and journalism, modern literary and mass media processes specific features, short statements, reviews, chronicles and information, as well. All articles must be adduced in Russian.
The materials, previously published in other media, are not considered eligible for publication.
1.2 The full article can cover up to 16 pages and contain up to 5 figures and to 4 tables; short articles can cover up to 6 pages and to 2 figures. The tables can be up to 20% of the whole volume of the article.
1.3. The article must be written compressively, designed with accuracy and carefully edited.
1.4. For publication the authors must submit the following documents and papers to the Editorial Board:
- the text of the article, signed by the author (s), including a resume, key words (short presentation of the object of research results and conclusions) in Russian and English, tables, figures and the signatures to them;
- information about the authors: name, patronymic, surname, occupation, academic degree and rank, office adress and telephone numbers, fax adress, e-mail adress including the name of the corresponding author;
- the files of the documents, mentioned above;
- the assignment from the organization.
1.5. The articles are submitted to reviewing (Rules of Manuscript Review) and, in the case of positive comment, to scientific and final editing. The reviews of the articles to be corrected are sent to authors in an electronic variant, in the case of rejection – in a written form.
1.6. Simultaneously, the author (s) of the article, adopted for publication, are given the review and the contract (2 copies), which the author (s) sign and sends back to the Editorial Board. After signing the contract, 1 copy is sent back to the author.
1.7. The articles, sent to their authors for further improvement and correction, should be returned to in the corrected version (2 copies) together with its initial version within as short period of time as possible. The corrected variant should be accompanied by the authors' letter with the responses to all remarks and explaining all the changes, made in the article. The article, delayed for more than three months or demanding additional correction, is considered to the submitted for publication as a new one.
The article should be sent to the Editorial Board of the Journal as printed matter simple or registered (not valuable) to the adress: 410012, Saratov, Astrahanskaya St., 83, The Editorial Board of «Izvestiya of Saratov University. Sociology. Politology», the sociology department, to Beginina Irina Aleksandrovna, the Executive Editor in Chief (E-mail:
1.8. The articles, written in coauthor ship, (except the cases when coauthors are Doctors) are not adopted.
1.9. In compliance with Part 1 of Article 9 of the Federal Law FZ-152 “On personal data” of July 27, 2006, authors grant their consent to their personal data processing by any legally permitted method to Saratov State University (SSU), located at: 83 Astrakhanskaya St., Saratov 410012. Each author shall send a filled-in and signed Consent to Personal Data Processing form to the editorial board.
1.10. The work of the author (personal data subject) is included in the archive after the publication of the next issue of the periodical. The storage, arrangement, registration and use of archival issues, containing personal data is carried out in accordance with Part 2, paragraph 2 of Article 1 of the Federal Law FZ-152 “On personal data”of July 27, 2006 in conformity with the legislation on archiving.
1.11. All publications are free of charge.
2. The publications structure
2.1. All articles and short reports begin with the index UDC (in the left), then follows the article title, initials and surnames of authors, a full title of the institution, authors' E-mail, resume (all surnames of authors and the title are presented in English), key words – in Russian in English. For example:
2.2. The Editorial Board recommends the authors to use subtitles to make the text logic. The thanks, the sources of financial support are given in the conclusions. The footnotes are given at the and.
3. Requirements for manuscripts layout.
3.1. The text should be printed with one line spacing on A4 white paper with margins not less than 2,5 cm., the main text with 14 font size, the secondary text (footnotes, tables, figures captions applications, the list of bibliographic references, notes) – font 12 size. The function of word division in the text (manual or automatic) should be put off.
3.2. All manuscript pages, including tables, figures, and the list bibliographic references should be enumerated.
3.3. The tables should be submitted on separate sheets of paper A4. The multi-page tables should be avoided; the amount of data must be distributed among several tables. Each table should be identified by Arab numerals and posses a theme caption, revealing the content of the article(shortly).
The subtitles and headings must be laconic and informative. The measure-ment units are adduced after a comma.
3.4. The figures are adduced separately.
The figures format should provide the full and clear manifestation of all details. Indications and captions are given in Russian; volume dimensions are separated by commas. The captions under figures should be clear without applying to the text. If illustrations contain additional indications, they must be deciphered below the caption. The number of the figure, the name of the first author should be given on the back of the figure; «the top» and «the bottom» should be market, if needed.
3.5. Semi-tone photographs should be of high quality and presented on white lustrous paper, copies are not admitted.
3.6. All physical units are presented in the International System of Units (S U).
3.7. The list of bibliographical references should be composed according to the requirements of GOST 7.1-76 “Bibliographic description of printed materials”. The sources of the bibliographical references list should be arranged according to the order, in which they are mentioned in the text of. The references to the materials, which were not published, are not permitted. All cited works should be presented in the list of bibliographic references.
The sample of presenting references to a book:
Blank J.K. The Fundamentals of Investment Management: In 2 V. Kiev: Alga - N, Niko Centre, 2001.V. 1. 536 p.; V.2. P-512.
Optical Holography: In 2 V./ Fr. From Eng.; Ed. by G. Cold field. M.: Mir, 1982. V. 1, 380 p.
The sample of formatting a reference to an article from a journal.
Ivanov A.V., Pervushov E.M. Spongy Horizons of Santona-Kampana and “Pterievy Layers “ of Saratov Volga Region // The Inner Host Depths of the Volga and the Caspian Sea Regions. 1998. Issue 17. P. 24-30.
Astahov V.V., Nehodtseva E.J., Astahov S.V. Shaunin A.V. The Influence of Delay in the Communication Channel on the Full Synchronization of Chaotic Systems Regimes with Discreet Time. // Izvestia of Higher Educational Establishments. Applied Non-Linear Dynamics. 2007. V. 15, № 5. P. 61.
The sample of reference of an article from the collection of papers.
Kavarzin Y.A. Sergei Nikolaevich Vinogradsky in Emigration // Russian Scientific Emigration: Twenty Portraits / Ed. by Acad. Y.M. Bongard – Levin an V.E. Zaharov. M.: Editorial URRS, 2001. P. 205-221.
The sample of formatting a reference to an abstract of the thesis / thesis.
Haritonov V.M. Bivalv Mollusks (Inotserams) of Higher - Cretaceous Sediments of Dagestan and Their Biostratigraphic Importance. The Abstract of Candidate Thesis of Geology – Mineralogy. Sciences. Baku, 1974. 24 p.
Kreder A.A. American Liberal – Reformist Public Thought in 1929 – 1938. The Thesis of Candidate of History Saratov, 1974. 42 p.
4.The electronic version requirements.
4.1. The text of the manuscript and tables must be presented in files (one or more) on diskettes – “3,5” or in CD in the format MS Word 6.0 for Windows or RTE. The text of the file must be identical to the text of the article. The tables in Lexicon are not admitted .
4.2. Graphics and diagrams should be prepared in a special editing system, as a part of M.S. Word, which considerably simplifies their editing (if necessary), or in the format of vector graphics-Corel Draw, Adobe Illustrator. Raster versions, graphics and diagrams in MS Excel and not adopted. Diagrams should be in black and white, and all divisions must be made by hatching.
4.3 Illustrations must be presented in the formats: Line Art (raster) – TIEF 600-1200 dpi (LZW compression) Grey (photograph) – JPE Y300-600 dpl. – (degree of compression 8-10).
Vector figures must be presented in the formats EPS, Ah, CDK without using specific paints and fonts. Figures made in any text editing systems are not adopted. The files titles with figures are given in Latinitsa and must include the name of the first author and correspond to a serial number of the figure in the manuscript (for example, 01ivanov, ti, 02 Ivanov, jpeg).
4.4. The captions to figures are adduced in the text itself.
Disks and manuscripts are not returned.
The manuscripts, formatted not according to the requirements, are not registered by the Editorial Board and are returned to the authors without considerations.
The Editor in Chief of the Journal,
Prof., Doctor of Sociology S.G. Ivchenkov