A Word to Young Sociological Scientists

The essence and content of the state youth policy in the field of patriotic education of youth (On the example of the Saratov region)

The article analyzes the essential characteristics of the directions of implementation of patriotic education in the fi eld of state youth policy in Russian Federation. The problem of the disadvantages of this activity is studied. It is concluded that despite the eff orts made and the work done, the current state of the formation of patriotism of Russian youth is characterized as a problematic one due to the ongoing transformation of the values and norms among the younger generation, the inconsistency of the work of the authorities, educational institutions and the media.

Sociological conceptualization of patriotism from the perspective of studying the effectiveness of youth policy

The article analyzes the concept of “patriotism” as a social and moral principle that determines the attitude of citizens towards their country. This attitude is considered within a complex set of feelings, knowledge, value orientations, attitudes, actions, usually articulated as love for the motherland. The procedure for identifying the eff ectiveness of youth policy indicators showing the presence / absence of patriotism is studied.

The elderly citizens’ social support of in the emotional and psychological sphere

The article is devoted the actual problem – the satisfaction of elderly citizens with emotional and psychological support from the social service system. The article presents the results of the qualitative research (interview) as part of the research group at the Department of Sociology of Social Work of Saratov State University in Saratov and the region. On the basis of the qualitative methodology, the groups of elderly citizens who need emotional and psychological assistance are studied and the level for the need for specialized psychological assistance for the elderly is identified.

The evolution of women’s sports career in the context of economic modernization in Russia: Factors and trends

The article examines the features of the evolution of women’s sports career from the ideology of sports in the USSR up to the modern realities of the Russian Federation. The pattern of the state support and motivation of the population to go in for sports were traced. The main attention was paid to the factors and conditions that determine the transition from the traditional type of career to a number of transitional forms that are taking hold in today’s difficult conditions of economic modernization of Russian society.

The Mobility Turn as an Educational Challenge in Modern Society

The article discusses the main idea of the study, that is discovering a number of problems generated by social dynamics and mobility. By using the methodological potential of sociology, the essence and logic of the mobility turn as a metaphor for the development of modern society is demonstrated. The radical changes in sociocultural dynamics that are also achieved by modern social sciences (sociology of mobility and other postmodern concepts) are shown.

On the Application of Social Design in the System of Management of the Institutions of Secondary Education: Statement оf the Problem in the Context of Sociology of Management

The article discusses the question of how to apply social design in the management system of secondary education institutions. In theoretical and practical terms, the correct and scientific justification of the problem statement is important not only in the framework of pedagogy, but in the context of management sociology. Today, the inability of schools to systematically adapt to the changes and integrate innovative approaches and technologies into the learning management process is noteworthy.

The Analysis of the Health and Healthy Lifestyle Phenomena in the Context of Sociology of Culture

Expanding the range of social risks caused by global changes leads to the deterioration in the qualities of society’s psychology and morals. The task of studying health lies not only in medical but also in sociocultural sphere. This determined the importance of a healthy lifestyle as the most ancient social phenomenon that takes on a new meaning and actualizes the investigation aimed at building a paradigm of public health in the context of the sociology of culture.

The Role of Trade Union Organizations of Small and Medium-Sized Businesses in Public Control Over the Activities of Public Authorities

The article analyzes the activities of various All-Russian public organizations and professional unions of the Russian Federation such as the Russian Union of Industrialists and Entrepreneurs, Russian Professional Union of Workers of Small and Medium-Sized Businesses, AllRussian Public Organization of Small and Medium Entrepreneurship “Support of Russia”. Their main goals and objectives are identified: the maximum protection of members, the promotion of entrepreneurship in the state, establishment of bilateral relations with the authorities, the implementation of public control, etc.

“Model Rural Family” (“Sis yal”) as a Way of Self-Organization of an Elderly Family

The article examines the current regulatory and legal framework of the Russian Federation and the Republic of Sakha (Yakutia) in the field of state’s social assistance to long-term elderly families. The article focuses on the growing special interest and attention to the social policy of the state to long-term elderly families who have lived together for 50 years or more, who as a socio-demographic category of the population present an insufficiently studied group from the scientific point of view.

Social and Communicative Practices of Interaction Between Institutions of Power and the Population in the Region: Social Factors and Current Trends

This article discusses the interaction of power institutions with citizens at the regional level. The definition of a region is given and described. The results of the study conducted in Saratov region are presented. The results obtained during the survey are analyzed and compared with the studies of other authors and statistical collections. These observations allow us to say that the current level of society’s informatization is not enough for the open model of the interaction between the power and the population.
