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Vlasov T. S., Nemeryuk E. Е. The Mobility Turn as an Educational Challenge in Modern Society. Izvestiya of Saratov University. Sociology. Politology, 2020, vol. 20, iss. 4, pp. 443-447. DOI:
The Mobility Turn as an Educational Challenge in Modern Society
The article discusses the main idea of the study, that is discovering a number of problems generated by social dynamics and mobility. By using the methodological potential of sociology, the essence and logic of the mobility turn as a metaphor for the development of modern society is demonstrated. The radical changes in sociocultural dynamics that are also achieved by modern social sciences (sociology of mobility and other postmodern concepts) are shown. By using the methodological approaches of the sociology of education, the «order of the day» mobility problems in higher education are formulated. It is stressed that the educational sphere also becomes mobile, transforming the nature of human life, as well as updating some special phenomenon, such as academic mobility. The horizon of future research in connection with the complex nature of the problem under study is demonstrated by formulating the “order of the day” of mobility challenges for modern higher education.
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