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Fomin A. A. Social and Communicative Practices of Interaction Between Institutions of Power and the Population in the Region: Social Factors and Current Trends. Izvestiya of Saratov University. Sociology. Politology, 2020, vol. 20, iss. 2, pp. 183-187. DOI:

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Social and Communicative Practices of Interaction Between Institutions of Power and the Population in the Region: Social Factors and Current Trends

This article discusses the interaction of power institutions with citizens at the regional level. The definition of a region is given and described. The results of the study conducted in Saratov region are presented. The results obtained during the survey are analyzed and compared with the studies of other authors and statistical collections. These observations allow us to say that the current level of society’s informatization is not enough for the open model of the interaction between the power and the population.


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5. Для анализа использовались сайты: Правительство Саратовской области; Саратовская областная Дума; Интернет-энциклопедия «Кто есть, кто в Саратовской области» о самых успешных и известных персонах региона; Волгоградская областная Дума; Администрация Волгоградской области; Известные люди юга России; Самарская губернскаяДума; Правительство Самарской области.
6. Покатов Д. В. Политическая региональная элита : социологический ракурс трансформационной динамики. М. : Маска, 2017.

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