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Nikiforov G. Y. Sociological conceptualization of patriotism from the perspective of studying the effectiveness of youth policy. Izvestiya of Saratov University. Sociology. Politology, 2022, vol. 22, iss. 2, pp. 185-188. DOI:

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Sociological conceptualization of patriotism from the perspective of studying the effectiveness of youth policy

The article analyzes the concept of “patriotism” as a social and moral principle that determines the attitude of citizens towards their country. This attitude is considered within a complex set of feelings, knowledge, value orientations, attitudes, actions, usually articulated as love for the motherland. The procedure for identifying the eff ectiveness of youth policy indicators showing the presence / absence of patriotism is studied. The concern for the interests and historical fate of their country, pride of its achievements and criticism of shortcomings, sympathy for the suff ering and social needs of the people, respect for the historical past and traditions of their homeland, attachment to the place of birth, residence; readiness for self-sacrifi ce, the fi ght against the enemies of the fatherland, the protection of the interests of Russia are proposed as these indicators.

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