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Nikiforov G. Y. The essence and content of the state youth policy in the field of patriotic education of youth (On the example of the Saratov region). Izvestiya of Saratov University. Sociology. Politology, 2022, vol. 22, iss. 3, pp. 321-325. DOI:

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The essence and content of the state youth policy in the field of patriotic education of youth (On the example of the Saratov region)

The article analyzes the essential characteristics of the directions of implementation of patriotic education in the fi eld of state youth policy in Russian Federation. The problem of the disadvantages of this activity is studied. It is concluded that despite the eff orts made and the work done, the current state of the formation of patriotism of Russian youth is characterized as a problematic one due to the ongoing transformation of the values and norms among the younger generation, the inconsistency of the work of the authorities, educational institutions and the media. To improve the existing situation, the support of the state, public and educational institutions is still required. The formation of the correct and healthy patriotic feeling should begin from childhood, then be strengthened through the country’s education system.

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