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Odintsova E. V. The Analysis of the Health and Healthy Lifestyle Phenomena in the Context of Sociology of Culture. Izvestiya of Saratov University. Sociology. Politology, 2020, vol. 20, iss. 3, pp. 307-311. DOI:

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The Analysis of the Health and Healthy Lifestyle Phenomena in the Context of Sociology of Culture

Expanding the range of social risks caused by global changes leads to the deterioration in the qualities of society’s psychology and morals. The task of studying health lies not only in medical but also in sociocultural sphere. This determined the importance of a healthy lifestyle as the most ancient social phenomenon that takes on a new meaning and actualizes the investigation aimed at building a paradigm of public health in the context of the sociology of culture. On this basis, the article provides a conceptual and meaningful analysis of health and a healthy lifestyles as the sociocultural phenomena and evaluates their impact on public health in economic, political, ideological and information spaces. The conflict of values, from the point of view of the author, is one of the most important factors that impede the formation of a health-preserving culture and is opposed to mental attitudes that regard health as the highest social and individual value.


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