A Word to Young Sociological Scientists

Social Intolerance in Modern Russian Society: The Regional Dimension

The article is devoted to the sociological research of the modern Russian society’s social intolerance phenomenon in the regional dimension. The article is based on the results of the sociological study conducted in 2019 by the sociologists of Saratov State University. The model of measuring the attitudes to different socio-demographic groups involved a range of scale positions from the degree of maximum acceptance to total distance.

Social and Labor Conflict in the Estimates of Bank Employees

The development of the digital economy and the introduction of artificial intelligence into the financial sphere of Russia change the system of social relations of the modern bank. On the one hand, the composition of accumulated information resources increases, the nomenclature of technical digital means of labor is updated and the composition of internal subjects of financial organizations expands. On the other hand, in the context of systemic information transformations in the banking sector, the conflict level increases.

Senior Citizens’ Volunteer Activity of as One of the Forms of Active Longevity of Russian Pensioners

This article is devoted to the study of one of the forms of older citizens’ active longevity – a volunteer activity. It is noted that the usual forms of organization of elderly unemployed Russians active leisure (assistance in the upbringing of grandchildren, employment in the garden or suburban area, passion for applied arts, visiting clubs at cultural institutions and social services) no longer meet the interests of modern pensioners. It is proposed to use new forms of active longevity, including volunteer activities.

Early Motherhood as a Problem of Premature Socialization of Russian Teenagers

The article deals with early motherhood as the problem of premature teenager socialization. The age-related mastering of mothers’ social roles by teenager girls is the result of deviating and premature socialization. The boundaries of premature socialization, which society sets for adolescents and the age stages of mastering certain roles are discussed. The problem of early motherhood is shown as a deviation from the established chronology of the events of the socialization process.

Social Tolerance and Social Intolerance: Theoretical and Methodological Conceptualization

The article is devoted to the problem of sociological research of the social intolerance phenomenon. Historically, the social intolerance phenomenon has always been a constant element of social life. The boundary between intolerance as an element of social life in the processes of institutionalization of social groups and the lack of tolerance in its destructive forms is so ephemeral that it is very difficult to define. At present, the problem of the social intolerance level in modern Russian society and the processes taking place in this sphere are very significant.

Social Technologies in the Formation of Positive Social and Psychological Young People’s Mood as a Factor of National Security

The article deals with the problem of negative socio-psychological attitudes between the university teaching staff and the students’ community. The article is based on the empirical research conducted in 2019 in Belgorod, BSTU named after V. G. Shukhov, as well as on the secondary results of the studies on this issue. The analysis of the data made it possible to highlight the important problems in the interaction between university teachers and students.

Young Generation Models of Attitude to Kazakhstan Youth Associations

The article presents the results of youth public opinion polls revealing three approaches to youth organizations development: political-ideological structure (a dominant one); socialization mechanism; a response to the youth problems, needs and demands. The study made it possible to reveal four attitude models of Kazakhstan youth to their associations: 1) active-conforming one, focused on achieving success within social norms (every fifth citizen of Kazakhstan); 2) radically-protestant (1–2%); 3) passive majority; 4) absentive (about 20%).

Social Protection of a Professional Group as a Factor of Overcoming Social Tension

In modern conditions the system of social protection of the population extends and additional complexes of separate professional groups are formed. The directions of social protection extend, the maintenance of the mechanism of realization of its separate subsystems is transformed. At present new theoreticalmethodological justification of separate professional groups` protection is necessary. However, there is no accurate scientific definition of the category «social protection of а professional group» and there are no investigations of the theoretical approach to this problem either.

Religious Faith Social Functions within Moral and Psychological Provision of the Military Personnel

The author of the article considers religious faith in it’s social functions as a factor of strengthening the moral and psychological state of soldiers. The article gives a theoretical justification of the need of religious education within the framework of the unit’s assistant commander’s duties in working with religious servicemen. The spread of religious meanings can not only consolidate the society, but also lead to its separation. Appealing to the religious consciousness patterns should be based on the traditional religious and ethical norms.

Matrimonial Care Meaning in Elderly Families

The author, on the basis of sociological study data, conducted in Saratov in 2018, shows the characteristics of marital care in solving an elderly couple everyday problems. Care, in this context, is considered as a component of human life, accompanying a person from birth to death, as a response to questioning on life meaning, the essence of which is in complementary reciprocity, as a necessary tool for assembling the social and overcoming the “unhappy consciousness”, limiting individual existence.
