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Soboleva E. V. Senior Citizens’ Volunteer Activity of as One of the Forms of Active Longevity of Russian Pensioners. Izvestiya of Saratov University. Sociology. Politology, 2020, vol. 20, iss. 1, pp. 47-51. DOI:

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Senior Citizens’ Volunteer Activity of as One of the Forms of Active Longevity of Russian Pensioners

This article is devoted to the study of one of the forms of older citizens’ active longevity – a volunteer activity. It is noted that the usual forms of organization of elderly unemployed Russians active leisure (assistance in the upbringing of grandchildren, employment in the garden or suburban area, passion for applied arts, visiting clubs at cultural institutions and social services) no longer meet the interests of modern pensioners. It is proposed to use new forms of active longevity, including volunteer activities. It is determined that the basis of volunteering is the desire of older people to feel needed again and expand their communication circle. The data of the empirical study conducted among the “silver” volunteers engaged in regular volunteer activities in Saratov and Samara regions are presented. On the basis of the obtained data, the improvement of social well-being of the “silver” volunteers during the period of regular volunteer work was revealed. The answers of the respondents confirmed the hypotheses that voluntary employment is an effective way to achieve active longevity and the basis of “silver” volunteering is the need of older people to preserve their own importance through the prism of caring for the weak and needy people.



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