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Kulagina P. Y., Devletov R. N. Social Protection of a Professional Group as a Factor of Overcoming Social Tension. Izvestiya of Saratov University. Sociology. Politology, 2019, vol. 19, iss. 4, pp. 432-436. DOI:
Social Protection of a Professional Group as a Factor of Overcoming Social Tension
In modern conditions the system of social protection of the population extends and additional complexes of separate professional groups are formed. The directions of social protection extend, the maintenance of the mechanism of realization of its separate subsystems is transformed. At present new theoreticalmethodological justification of separate professional groups` protection is necessary. However, there is no accurate scientific definition of the category «social protection of а professional group» and there are no investigations of the theoretical approach to this problem either. The article focuses on analyzing the sociological concepts of social protection of professional group, ranging them into groups and revealing the general principles of the sociological analysis of this phenomenon. The essence of a professional social group as an aggregate of specific professions` social actors characterized by common knowledge and interests, skills, professional identity of members and also specific working conditions is specified. It is proved that social protection of a professional social group in modern conditions presents itself as a subsystem of the general mechanism population protection and the additional public mechanism of covering a complex of projects and measures of the state; and also public aid and support of the persons carrying out the activity within a certain professional group. The main forms of its manifestation are revealed: 1) the mechanism of regulation of a professional group activity and ensuring compliance with their rights, necessary privileges, guarantees; 2) the specific social institute characterized by a certain complex of norms, values, the minimum standards defining ensuring the rights, privileges, professional group guarantees. The social protection of professional group is directed, on the one hand, to overcoming injustice, financial support to representatives of a certain professional group, optimizing the conditions of human potential reproduction and, on the other hand, to overcoming social tension in labor collectives and in society in general.
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