
“Model Rural Family” (“Sis yal”) as a Way of Self-Organization of an Elderly Family

The article examines the current regulatory and legal framework of the Russian Federation and the Republic of Sakha (Yakutia) in the field of state’s social assistance to long-term elderly families. The article focuses on the growing special interest and attention to the social policy of the state to long-term elderly families who have lived together for 50 years or more, who as a socio-demographic category of the population present an insufficiently studied group from the scientific point of view.

Transformation of Social Sphere in Everyday Life Culture System

The article analyzes the process of transformation of the social sphere in Russia. The goals of the study are: the analysis of topical images in the process of everyday life new culture formation; the comparative analysis of everyday life culture images in connection with consumer society formation in comparison with the post-Soviet period social images. The purpose of the research is to characterize everyday life culture images transformation process on the basis of attracting and analyzing a number of modern investigations in the field of sociology.

Social Protection of a Professional Group as a Factor of Overcoming Social Tension

In modern conditions the system of social protection of the population extends and additional complexes of separate professional groups are formed. The directions of social protection extend, the maintenance of the mechanism of realization of its separate subsystems is transformed. At present new theoreticalmethodological justification of separate professional groups` protection is necessary. However, there is no accurate scientific definition of the category «social protection of а professional group» and there are no investigations of the theoretical approach to this problem either.

Problems of Democracy Functionality: Methodological Approaches to the Study

The main objective of this article is to identify the features and causes of non-compliance/distortion of the basic principles and values of democracy as the main problem of its improper functioning. The analysis is based on the study and comparison of classical and modern works on democracy, which touch upon the interaction of democracy with the media, the elite and capitalism, in order to systematize approaches to the study of the problems of its functionality.

Perfection of State Youth Policy Through the Optimization of Normative-Legal Base

Thе article discusses the features of development of legal relations in the sphere of state youth policies, key legislative initiatives, targeted project documents in the framework of the state youth policy.

Analysis of the Instability of the Social System

The article discusses the instability of the social system. Particular attention is paid to social causes system instability.

Genesis of a Concept «Social Stability» in Sociological Science

The article describes the evolution of ideas about social stability in social science. Particular attention is paid to different interpretations of stability in the sociological thought.

Features Values Youth Employment in Regional Perspective (on the Example of Saratov)

Thе article discusses the features of the labour values of youth as a specific socio-demographic groups, the role of youth as object and subject in the development of economic, political and cultural life, the study provides an opportunity for updating and forecasting targeted state youth policy in the region.

Social Ideal’s Social-structural Determinations

In article the theoretical analysis of genesis of a social ideal is carried out. The author proves that the social ideal is caused by type of a sociality and acts in two modified forms: social ideal of communal type and public ideal. The public ideal as a special form of ideas of a perfect society organization appears only in the conditions of modern society and is connected with actualization of the main social contradiction «personality and society». In an ideological discourse we observe two ways of permission of this contradiction: liberal and socialist.

Experience in Implementing Programs for Youth Policy in the Country

This article discusses the analysis of youth policy abroad, in the Germany and Sweden, specifics of studying the processes of socialization of the young generation in the framework of the state youth policy.