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Ivanov R. V. Transformation of Social Sphere in Everyday Life Culture System. Izvestiya of Saratov University. Sociology. Politology, 2020, vol. 20, iss. 1, pp. 27-30. DOI:

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Transformation of Social Sphere in Everyday Life Culture System

The article analyzes the process of transformation of the social sphere in Russia. The goals of the study are: the analysis of topical images in the process of everyday life new culture formation; the comparative analysis of everyday life culture images in connection with consumer society formation in comparison with the post-Soviet period social images. The purpose of the research is to characterize everyday life culture images transformation process on the basis of attracting and analyzing a number of modern investigations in the field of sociology. The transformation of social reality in the eve- ryday life culture new system of the Russian society is considered by means of comparative and system analysis methods. A lot of researchers were actively engaged in the problems of perception of everyday life in various periods of time. The following hypotheses are considered: the reality of everyday life images in most cases is not doubtful despite the lack of meaning, uncertainty, unsystematic perception of everyday life; social processes as a product of human consciousness form and update the everyday life images. It is concluded that everyday life mass culture popularity is constantly growing in modern Russian society, because it is directed to people with different levels of culture, education and material prosperity in terms of distribution and accessibility. As a result, everyday life culture and social images are deeply interrelated and need to be distributed and classified.


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