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Kruglov A. A. Social Intolerance in Modern Russian Society: The Regional Dimension. Izvestiya of Saratov University. Sociology. Politology, 2020, vol. 20, iss. 2, pp. 179-182. DOI:

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Social Intolerance in Modern Russian Society: The Regional Dimension

The article is devoted to the sociological research of the modern Russian society’s social intolerance phenomenon in the regional dimension. The article is based on the results of the sociological study conducted in 2019 by the sociologists of Saratov State University. The model of measuring the attitudes to different socio-demographic groups involved a range of scale positions from the degree of maximum acceptance to total distance. The representatives of deviant groups (drug addicts, alcoholics, prostitutes, people of non-traditional sexual orientation) presented a cluster Saratov citizens’ high level of intolerance. Most of the respondents experience hatred, condemnation and rejection towards them. The further analysis showed that the age is also relevant in assessing intolerance towards the members of deviant groups. The analysis of the territorial characteristics of social intolerance also showed the statistical significance of correlation. Thus, the intolerance towards representatives of deviant groups is shown by the residents of Saratov central districts. Those who are married and who have children more often than single and childless have feelings of condemnation and rejection towards the members of the deviant groups. The correlation analysis also showed the impact of whether a person co nsiders oneself to be a believer on the degree of intolerance.

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