civil society

Analogous Forms of Civil Society (Exemplified by African Countries)

The author considers analogous forms of civil society in countries of the South exemplified by African states. Foundation, development, specifics, and peculiarities of civil society in this region of the world are analyzed. It is stated that burgeoning civil society models of non-Western areal have their own specific features, which are determined by special character of civilizational development of the countries.

Civil Society in Modern Russia: Some Trends (Tendencies), Issues, Factors of Formation

The article is devoted to the analysis of modern trends of Russian civil society formation, internal and external factors that influence on these processes and some issues and restrictions of its development.

The Substance and Social Functions of the Student Self-governance Institution

This article analyses the phenomenon of student self-governance in terms of the sociological approach. The term «student self-governance » considers three approaches: student self-governance as the independent activity of students, student self-governance as the form of educational work, student self-governance as the youth policy, and also in this article refers to the strengths and weaknesses of these approaches. The author emphasizes the idea that the student self-governance is an important factor of civil society development in Russia.

Civil Identity of Modern Russia

In the article the author analyzes theoretical and methodological problems of civil society constructing of identity in Russia. Classical civil society of the modern period assumes existence of such components as surroundings (environment – the national and constitutional state, the citizen – the carrier of civil identity showing the civic stand in public space and its aktualizing it in the corresponding civil practices. During a postmodern period national societies are changed into mass and consumer societies. Mass society and civil society can’t exist at the same time.

Social Obligations of the Russian State in the Economic Crisis and Worsening Geopolitical Situation

The article discusses the process and specificity of formation of the social state in the Russian Federation. Particular attention is paid to the analysis of the implementation of social guarantees of the state in the economic crisis and worsening geopolitical situation.

«Discomfort» of Modern Democratic Social and Political Systems’ Development and the Problem of «Comfort» Alternative

The article is about analysis of extrinsic and intrinsic problems, threats, and risks contemporary social and political systems are facing. The author is looking for the new world order model capable of neutralizing of the modern world controversies through providing comfort conditions for the life and development of contemporary societies.

Crisis of a Сoncept of Сivil Identity: Sociological Measurement

The article analyzes destruction of unity corporal, rational and mental in the period of a Postmodern that leads to increase of crisis of civil identity. The author comes to a conclusion that transfer of the project of civil society of an era of Modern times and formation of civil identity of this type is impossible in modern Russia. The conclusion is supported with civilization specifics of the bases of civil identity of Russia.
