
Limits of Political Harmonization of Interests of Employees and Employers in the Framework of Tripartism: the Deconstruction of European Experience

The paper discusses the problems of the evolution of European tripartism as the political institution, aimed at harmonization of interests of employees and employers, the comparative analysis of European models of tripartism is made, the sources of country differences towards the role of public participation in the system of tripartism are disclosed.

Counteraction to Nationalism in the Conditions of Realization of Policy of State Security of the Russian Federation

In the article the comparative analysis the practician of realization of a security policy (USA, Japan, Russia) is carried out. Domestic experience of counteraction to nationalism in the conditions of safety at the international, state and regional levels is presented. Regional features of implementation of target programs in territorial subjects of the Russian Federation as tool of effective national policy are defined.

Basic Model of the Interaction of Civil Society and State under the Conditions of Globalization

The article describes the basic model of interaction between the state and civil society institutions. Analyzed international practices of civic participation, on the example of the functioning of the Economic, Social and Environmental Council of France and the US Citizens Jury. Presented by the Russian model «mutually responsible partnership».

Strong Power as the Constant of Russian Politics: the Methodology of Ivan Ilyin and Modernity

The article deals with the methodological approaches to social and political transformations of modern Russian society by means of views the Great Russian philosopher I. A. Ilyin (1883–1954). The main emphasis is laid on the role of the political power in the system modernization of modern Russia.
