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Fedulova A. B. Problems and Possibilities of Applying «Family Group Conference» Technology to Social Work with Family in Russia. Izvestiya of Saratov University. Sociology. Politology, 2018, vol. 18, iss. 3, pp. 269-273. DOI:

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Problems and Possibilities of Applying «Family Group Conference» Technology to Social Work with Family in Russia

Modern practice of social work with family aims at families in crisis position. Social work with family is based on the correction and modification of the current situation. The current system of preventive work with families of risk groups isn’t always effective. Awareness of the need to start solving current problems of the family as soon as possible demonstrates the necessity for new approaches to the social work with family. In this regard, technologies with the leading role to early prevention and solving family problems through the complex of social resources are taking on particular urgency. The resources of the family act as a set of potentials towards maintenance of stability of a family, development of its subjectivity and competence in solving the family’s life problems. In this article, the technology «Family Group Conference» (FGC) is considered as an innovative model of family disadvantage prevention. The aim of the given technology is to create the possibility to restore the abilities of a family to the constructive communication and joint way out in case of difficulties. On the base of empirical research the challenges and perspectives of applying FGC technology to practical work with family in social services in Russian Federation were set up. Also the relevance of FGC is shown in the context of the theory of social capital. The author makes a conclusion that social capital defines the family’s own capital. The usage of the technology «Family Group Conference» in practical work with family will contribute to the accumulation of the family’s recourse potential, to the strengthening its social capital towards family problems and to the formation of responsibility for self-reliance in family life.


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