Cite this article as:

Elutina M. E., Bolotov G. I. Marital Solidarity in Later Life. Izvestiya of Saratov University. Sociology. Politology, 2019, vol. 19, iss. 1, pp. 36-39. DOI:

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Marital Solidarity in Later Life

The article is devoted to an important and relevant but insufficiently studied problem of marital relations in later life, which is important for developing new effective strategies of social policy in its gerontological dimension. The article considers studying the age aspect of matrimonial relations. The paper is based on the empirical sociological study of marital solidarity in later life. Marital solidarity is defined as a special phenomenon that has its own structure and dynamics. It is shown that marital solidarity in elderly families includes: a positive worldview, mutual obligations and a stable system of prescriptions.


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