Cite this article as:

Magomedov A. K., Sokolova I. N. Ethnosystem of Russian Arctic in the Context of Northern Ecosystem: Understanding the Specific of Ethnopolitics in Polar Mega-Region. Izvestiya of Saratov University. Sociology. Politology, 2019, vol. 19, iss. 2, pp. 218-222. DOI:

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323.1(985) (470.1/2):574.4(211)

Ethnosystem of Russian Arctic in the Context of Northern Ecosystem: Understanding the Specific of Ethnopolitics in Polar Mega-Region

This paper examines crucial characteristics of the ethnopolitical situation at Russian Arctic and sub-Arctic. Accumulated and deferred ethnic problems of the region are in the center of analysis. The authors proposes the new analytical perspective – to consider the ethnosystem of the Arctic in close connection with the polar ecosystem which allows for ethnopolitical analysis in terms of a single eco-social system.


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