Cite this article as:

Shafinskaya N. V. “Soft Power” as a Tool of USA Humanitarian Policy Towards the Socialist Republic of Vietnam. Izvestiya of Saratov University. Sociology. Politology, 2020, vol. 20, iss. 1, pp. 112-117. DOI:

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“Soft Power” as a Tool of USA Humanitarian Policy Towards the Socialist Republic of Vietnam

The article reviews the basics of the concept of “soft power”, which is actively used by the United States to promote its interests in the essential country of Southeastern Asia – the Socialist Republic of Vietnam. Basing on studying of materials of Executive authorities of the United States, such as the State Department and the U.S. Embassy in Vietnam; documents of the Government of Vietnam; the American, Vietnamese and Russian media; results of public opinion polls; statistical data characterizing the increased American activity in Vietnam in the field of economy, education and culture; author’s own calculations of USA state offices and public structures presenting in Vietnam; the research results of Russian and foreign authors; basic elements of “soft power” as an instrument of US policy in relation to Vietnam are analyzed: their objectives, the mechanisms, directions, forms and methods of implementation. Its effectiveness is evaluated, also mentioned its transformation to the concept of “smart power”. Economical and affiliate supranational relationships between USA and Social- ist Republic of Vietnam, conducted as means of soft power, are analyzed, as well as examples of soft power’s influence at Socialist Republic of Vietnam, such as providing finances for humanitarian purposes and financing mass-media. Results of soft power’s influence at Socialist Republic of Vietnam are also analyzed, such as creating works of art and conducting social polls, demonstrating generally positive opinion of Vietnamese population about USA; functioning cultural and humanitarian institutions of American origins; opening higher educational institutions of USA on the territory of Socialist Republic of Vietnam and conducting educational programs of USA in Southeastern Asia on the whole; supporting LGBT-movement in Socialist Republic of Vietnam.


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