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Zihao Z. ., Savkin D. A. Approaches to Understanding the Terrorism Phenomenon and a Comparative Analysis of Its Definition in Key Jurisdictions of the World. Izvestiya of Saratov University. Sociology. Politology, 2020, vol. 20, iss. 3, pp. 342-348. DOI:

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Approaches to Understanding the Terrorism Phenomenon and a Comparative Analysis of Its Definition in Key Jurisdictions of the World

The authors analyze terrorism from the point of view of definitions in the national jurisdictions of the USA, China, EU, and Russia. They also compare approaches to determine key features of this phenomenon in the papers of the most cited researchers of terrorism. National counterterrorism policies are governed by national laws, which depend on the doctrinal basics of the definition of terrorism. The authors use such methods as content analysis and comparative analysis of legislations to identify important aspects of these doctrinal foundations for USA, China, EU, and Russia. They analyze the degree of detail in the interpretation of the concept of “terrorism” in various jurisdictions. The set of national practices and the experience gained in countering terrorism, as well as the specifics of anti-terrorism activities in each of the countries mentioned, leave an imprint on the definition of the phenomenon. The significance of the study lies in the fact that understanding the differences in the definitions of the concept of “terrorism” provides a deeper understanding of approaches to combating terrorist threats.


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