Scientific section. Sociology

Crisis of the Sociological Theory: Whether there is an Exit?

In article the problems of Russian and western sociological science connected to the lack of theoretical base, refusal of theorizing, common passion in empirical researches are considered. The special attention is paid to the reasons of such state of science and possible ways out.

Athletic Coordinates Daily

The article describes the essential components of the methodology of everyday life. The author’s reflection of the phenomenon of sports practices and empirical analysis of the views of everyday sportiness.

Satisfaction of Saratov Consumers Competitive Environment Through the Prism of the Volume, Quality, Prices of Goods and Services

Article based on the results of the sociological research, conducted in the Saratov region, Saratov and reveals the main characteristics of the development of competition Wednesday in the region through such indicators as the level of satisfaction with the various categories of the population, prices, quality, range of goods and services producers. Line up the ratings of markets for these indicators, clarifies their dynamics over the past three years.

Priority Areas of Functioning of the Main Regional Information and Analysis Centers (RIAC) of the Russian Federation

The article discusses the functioning of the main priorities of the regional information and analytical center of the Russian Federation. Attention is drawn to the fact that the priorities of regional information and analysis centers perform analytical processing of information and the provision of informal and formal information communications; search for information about problems Sources

Limb of Tolerance vs Tolerance Defens Line? Sociological Studies

The article presents reflections on the official tradition of tolerance. The author reveals the social mechanisms of formation of valuable orientations of the «religious culture» of the world, illustrates its findings fixing the three elements of the value orientation of the respondent – cognitive, affective and behavioral element that reveals the real behavior analysis.

Trends and Socio-economic Consequences of the Population Age Structure Transfromation in Russia

This article analyzes the main trends of the age structure transformations among Russian population – the рopulation aging and decline of the working-age population. Comparative analysis of the Russian and Western European aging population is presented. Author uses statistical data characterizing aging of the Russian population, main reasons and socio-economic consequences of this process are determined.

Theoretical and Methodological Substantiation of Value Orientations in the Concepts of Classical Western Sociology

The article deals with theoretic and methodological features of a sociological interpretation of values and value orientations in line with the concepts of Western scientific schools representatives. This paper analyzes the fundamental concepts of E. Durkheim, M. Weber, P. Sorokin and others. In addition, the article raises the importance of Western theoretical approaches and their role in the development of values in the context of social science.

The Transformation of the Social Structure of Russia in the Context of Globalization

The article is devoted to the sociological analysis of the social stratification of the Russian society in the context of globalization processes. Examines in a critical way research and interpretative potential neoliberalismo, neo-Marxist, resource and other theoretical approaches disclosed in monographic works. In the aspect of modeling the social structure of modern society represented the views about the relationship between social status and social stratification, social identity, and social mobility that is new to the national social science.

Administrative Barriers Restricting Competition in Saratov Region: the Opinion of Entrepreneurs

Article based on the results of the sociological research, conducted in the Saratov region, Saratov and reveals the main characteristics of the development of competition Wednesday in the region through such indicators as the existence and dynamics of changes over the past three years the administrative barriers to doing business. Taped to the barriers entrepreneurs doing business in different geographic markets. Specifies the nature of the interaction between entrepreneurs and Governments.

Friendship and Betrayal in Student Wednesday

Article on materials of sociological research analyzes the presentation of students of friendship through the prism of social qualities (honesty, loyalty, compassion, understanding, listening) and self-assessment yourself as a friend (a sense of humor, sincerity, kindness). Identified contradictions provoke betrayal and destruction of friendly relations, especially in the maximalist form that loses its value with age.
