Scientific section. Sociology

Conditions and Factors of Forming the Entrepreneurial Potential of Rural Society

In the article is analytically structured a sociological content of category «entrepreneurial potential» of rural society. Given the author’s vision of basic sociological parameters with sociological positions, structuring and describing the potential of rural entrepreneurship, examines the factors and conditions influencing its formation. Analyzed and assessed the current state of the social foundation of entrepreneurial initiatives of the rural population.

Social Support for Persons with Disabilities in the RNO–Alania

This article analyzes a number of organizational and legal issues of social protection in the RNO–Alania. Proposals to improve legislation, development of the social protection of persons with disabilities and their families. The article makes the case for the development of social education of persons with disabilities as a continuation of State social policy aimed at their social support.

Specificity of Formation of Social Activity of Young People in Volunteer Activities

The article devoted to the study of the phenomenon of volunteer activities. particular attention is paid to the importance of civil society’s social position of young people, which is manifested through volunteering. The approaches to the analysis of volunteerism highlighted various forms, types and motivations of young people volunteering.

Youth Social Well-being in Socio-economic Conditions of Modernization

The article presents exploring of the key concepts of youth’s social wellbeing of youth in the circumstance of modernization applying of the empirical data carried out with the help of the qualitative methodology by the expert interviews with officials and representatives of the academic institutions and public organizations.

Professionalization Features of Municipal Employees in the Social and Historical Context (Based on a comparative sociological research)

The professionalization of municipal employees as a continuous process of identification, originating in a specific socio-historical context is discussed in the article. Based on previously published data of the comparative sociological research conducted between February–March 2015 in France and in Russia, the conclusion about the impact of social and economic transformations taking place in a particular society, the process of professionalization of certain professional groups is made.

Soviet and Modern Russian Innovative Projects: Similarities and Differences

The article presents a comparative analysis of Soviet and modern Russian innovative projects on various grounds, said the reasons for the success of the strategic defense of innovations during the Soviet period and the modest achievements of modern innovative institutions of the Russian Federation and development in them. Also it addresses the issue of the loss in recent decades innovations of the Soviet period and referred to the need to revive the Soviet experience in this area.

Civil Identity of Modern Russia

In the article the author analyzes theoretical and methodological problems of civil society constructing of identity in Russia. Classical civil society of the modern period assumes existence of such components as surroundings (environment – the national and constitutional state, the citizen – the carrier of civil identity showing the civic stand in public space and its aktualizing it in the corresponding civil practices. During a postmodern period national societies are changed into mass and consumer societies. Mass society and civil society can’t exist at the same time.

Современная российская армия в общественном мнение населения

В статье по результатам социологических опросов раскрывается специфика отношения населения к современной Российской армии. Акцент делается на социальных проблемах, которые снижают авторитет Вооруженных сил, и уточняются основные стратификационные критерии, способствующие сохранению неуставных отношений среди военнослужащих срочного призыва.

Продовольственная безопасность населения страны - основа обеспечения здоровья народов России

В статье речь идет об особенностях обеспечения продовольственной безопасности в России. Рассматриваются разные точки зрения авторов на термин «продовольственная безопасность». Анализируется проблема нехватки продуктов питания малообеспеченным слоям населения, что приводит к отсутствию в организме необходимых полезных веществ и в дальнейшем к ухудшению здоровья. Уделяется внимание проблеме потребления некачественных продуктов питания.

Механизмы трансформации социальных конфликтов на предприятии

Угроза конфликта в коллективе актуальна для всех предприятий и организаций. Конфликты в коллективах возникают между подчинёнными и руководителями, между разными отделами предприятия, между группами, сформированными лидерами. Причинами конфликтных ситуаций могут стать столкновения интересов относительно власти, благ, ресурсов, условий труда, а также ошибки управления организацией.
