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Shestov N. I. Activation of the historical memory resource in modern politics. Izvestiya of Saratov University. Sociology. Politology, 2021, vol. 21, iss. 4, pp. 479-483. DOI:

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Activation of the historical memory resource in modern politics

The article contains analysis of the reasons why the resource of the historical memory of civil societies and power elites is beginning to be actively used in the modern foreign and domestic policy of many countries, including Russia. The article describes the positive consequences of such a construction of political motivations, as well as the risks associated with the weakening of the influence of ideologies on political processes. From the author’s point of view, the interest of the subjects of modern politics in using the resource of historical memory is due to the distrust of citizens and elites to the motivational potential of ideologies growing in the modern world and in Russia. It is also caused by the desire to increase the “human capital” of democratic politics and reserve advantages for the national state in controlling the policy of implementing national interests. At the same time, the author argues, the active motivation of politics, both internal and external, by the arguments of historical memory can generate no less risks for its progress today than those that were generated by the dominance of “classical” ideologies in it.

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