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Shakhbanova M. М. Attitude of Dagestan Peoples to External and Internal Migrants as Indicator of International Tolerance. Izvestiya of Saratov University. Sociology. Politology, 2018, vol. 18, iss. 2, pp. 124-132. DOI:

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Attitude of Dagestan Peoples to External and Internal Migrants as Indicator of International Tolerance

One of the actually problems are characteristics of the interethnic situation, the factors that generate interethnic tension and ethnoconflicts in modern Dagestan society. Socio-economic factors, dissatisfaction of Dagestan people a material situation with their own and their families are the main reasons for internal migration in Dagestan. For the above reasons, people are forced to move from places of their former residence to other regions of the republic for temporary or permanent residence. There is confrontation between the Dagestan peoples for a number of reasons in a latent form despite the generally stable interethnic situation in Dagestan including the land reform in the republic, the proclamation of the need to restore the Aukhov region without taking into account the opinion of all the peoples involved in this process (Avars, Laks and ChechensAkkins) and intensive internal migration processes that change the ethnic structure and map of Dagestan plains. It is considered the Dagestan peoples attitude to internal Dagestan migrants and foreign foreigners migrants based on the information of the author’s sociological research. It is analyzed the correlation of positive and negative interethnic attitudes in mass consciousness of Dagestan in this article. It is estimated the base of formation of interethnic intolerance in relation to internal and external migrants in it. It is presented the potential of integration processes in modern Dagestan society by author. It is established the spheres of social interaction that determine the national stability and consent in the republic, the preferences of spheres of social interaction with migrants, the orientation on maintaining or ignoring interethnic communication. It is established that uncontrolled migration generates intolerant attitudes in the mass consciousness and behavior of both migrants and host society, negatively affecting the interethnic climate. We concluded that interethnic tolerance can be achieved only if there is respect for migrants in modern Dagestan society, regardless of their status (internal/external), ensuring equality of their rights and opportunities based on the results of the study


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