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Ponukalina O. V. Child-Parents Conflicts in the Context of Everyday Life Digitalization. Izvestiya of Saratov University. Sociology. Politology, 2020, vol. 20, iss. 1, pp. 18-22. DOI:

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Child-Parents Conflicts in the Context of Everyday Life Digitalization

The article is devoted to the study of the circumstances forming the background of child-parents conflicts. The investigation takes into account the context of everyday life digitalization. It is stated that at present children and parents relations are reconstructed under the influence of digital technologies. Nowadays, several contradictory trends in developing of child-parent relations are identified. They include active involvement of technical devices-gadgets, and the ones for fulfilling parents’ tasks. In their turn, contemporary children and adolescents - «digital natives» feel equal or superior to their parents in terms of mastering the Internet opportunities. The conflicts are enforced because of violence and uncertainty of the rules, ambivalence of the reactions to them (“double standards”) with one parent encouraging and the other one prohibiting the use of gadgets. The tendency of endowing children with more significant places in family structure and treating them like “a project” is revealed. At the same time, the preferences of traditional education methods, such as reproaches and edification, remain. The desire of parents to occupy the child as much as possible, to invest in his/her development is supported by the ideas of «parental perfectionism». This often contributes to parents’ aspiration for overstating expectations, extensive attention to social evaluation of a child’s behavior. The tendency of parents to designate children’s enthusiasm for gadgets as the cause of mutual misunderstanding is revealed. The parents most often pointed out that not the lack of mutual trust and understanding in the relations, but namely computers and gadgets cause the conflicts.


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