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Chibirkin E. A. Concepts of “nation-building” by F. Fukuyama and R. Cooper and their importance for modern practice of nation-building. Izvestiya of Saratov University. Sociology. Politology, 2021, vol. 21, iss. 1, pp. 118-122. DOI:

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Concepts of “nation-building” by F. Fukuyama and R. Cooper and their importance for modern practice of nation-building

The process of nation-building in modern societies within the framework of national integration is considered in the article from different approaches and taking into consideration analysis and understanding of foreign experience. Special attention is paid to the concepts and views of Francis Fukuyama and Robert Cooper along with their importance for practice of nation-building. An inference is made that today these concepts and attempts to implement them in practice cannot be recognized as perfect and adequate to current challenges of internal and external origins.

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