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Aksenova O. V. Field Dialectics: Actor`s Contradictions in Russian Development. Izvestiya of Saratov University. Sociology. Politology, 2019, vol. 19, iss. 4, pp. 392-398. DOI:
Field Dialectics: Actor`s Contradictions in Russian Development
The paper is dedicated to the problem of theoretical approachesin empirical sociological studies of social development. Thelimitations of modern theories related to the insufficient potentialof explanatory irrelevance of their concepts to Russian realityare considered. The paper reveals the reasons of dialectic logictheoretical instruments` usage. They are related to the impossibilityof the revealed paradoxes` explanation within modern theoreticalapproaches. One of these paradoxes is concerned with the activityof Russian and Soviet systems of management and governance.The other one is related to the formalization and algorythmizationof social interactions and functioning of a social action in Western civil society. The implementation of dialectic logic for the study ofdevelopment processеs and revealing the contradictions of socialaction and its subject in these processes are shown. The possibilitiesof dialectics in combination with polyparadigmal approach requiringcritical analysis of the theories and revealing the correlationswith the historical context in which these theories emerged arepresented. The conclusion is made on the effectiveness of dialecticlogic instruments` usage for studying various versions of progress,including Russian development ones which historically took place inthe situation of limited market.
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