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Batsenkova A. A. G. Simmel’s Works Methodological Significance for Understanding the Modern Theory of Individualization. Izvestiya of Saratov University. Sociology. Politology, 2019, vol. 19, iss. 3, pp. 284-288. DOI:

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G. Simmel’s Works Methodological Significance for Understanding the Modern Theory of Individualization

The article reveals the specifics of G. Simmel’s approach to the individualization process and shows the relevance of its concepts for the analysis of modern societies. Special attention is paid to the ideological origins of the individualization process. The author considers G. Simmel’s concepts of “qualitative and quantitative individuality”, “formal and qualitative individualism”, forming the basis of two types of individualization: qualitative and quantitative. The quantitative individualization is a sociological type of individualization mediated by the processes of social differentiation, capitalist relations and competition. The qualitative individualization is associated more with the self-realization of the individual as a person and by definition corresponds with the psychological concept of “individuation”. It is represented at the biographic situation’s level and broadly researched in empirical sociology. The methodological value of G. Simmel’s consists of proposing the individual’s social isolation basic principles, which made it possible to judge how much individualization processes are developed in modern societies. Moreover, the proposed types of individualization can serve as a basis for the classification of modern sociological individualization theories, which can be divided into three large groups in accordance with the individualization type.


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