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Balandina Т. М., Petrov N. R. Improving Social Partnership in the Conditions of the Present Stage of Socio-economic Development in Russia. Izvestiya of Saratov University. Sociology. Politology, 2019, vol. 19, iss. 4, pp. 423-426. DOI:

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Improving Social Partnership in the Conditions of the Present Stage of Socio-economic Development in Russia

The article presents the problems of social partnership in Russia. The significance of socio-economic policy for realizing partnership between workers, employers and the state is considered. The main ways of social partnership improving in the conditions of the present stage of social and economic development of Russia are revealed. Social partnership is considered not only as a formal system of interaction between individual labor collectives, employers, trade unions, representatives of federal, regional, municipal authorities aimed at coordinating and protecting socio-economic rights, interests and needs of workers. Moreover, it functions as a comprehensive innovative method for implementing socio-economic interaction of labor subjects defining the conditions for resolving socio-economic contradictions in separate regions, as well.

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