Cite this article as:

Suchkova А. А. Institutionalizarea Lobbying Activities in Russia as Factor of Increase of Efficiency of Interaction between Society and the StateInstitutionalizarea Lobbying Activities in Russia as Factor of Increase of Efficiency of Interaction between Society and the . Izvestiya of Saratov University. Sociology. Politology, 2018, vol. 18, iss. 1, pp. 111-116. DOI:

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Institutionalizarea Lobbying Activities in Russia as Factor of Increase of Efficiency of Interaction between Society and the StateInstitutionalizarea Lobbying Activities in Russia as Factor of Increase of Efficiency of Interaction between Society and the

Describes the main features of the process of interaction between society and the state, the factors of institutionalization of lobbying activities, the influence of formation of Institute of lobbying to increase the effectiveness of the communication process of civil society and government. Analyzed subjects, objects, channels, methods and technology advocacy in contemporary Russia


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