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Peredumov M. A. Modern content culture of conflict-free communication of servicemen. Izvestiya of Saratov University. Sociology. Politology, 2023, vol. 23, iss. 1, pp. 44-50. DOI:
Modern content culture of conflict-free communication of servicemen
The study clarifi es the current content and structure of the military personnel communication culture. To achieve this goal, the relevance of the analysis of military personnel communication culture and its functional role were concretized at the fi rst stage of the study. At the second stage, the study of the military personnel communication culture is theoretically justifi ed, its essential manifestation is revealed. At the third stage, the presented theoretical developments are correlated with the practical understanding of the problem by the servicemen themselves and the structural components of the culture of communication of servicemen are revealed. It is proposed to consider the culture of communication as a form of social culture – a narrower cultural complex of values, principles and norms accepted and shared by members of military collectives and defi ning the style of interaction and communication of military actors. In modern conditions, the military personnel communication culture is conditionally classifi ed into the culture of confl ict-free and confl ict-free communication. The characteristic of these forms is presented. At the same time, the culture of confl ict communication is studied in the context of the implementation of motivation for the confl ict solution of service and work tasks. It is proved that the culture of confl ict-free communication is based on the values, principles, traditions and norms that presuppose and orient the serviceman to resolve and prevent confl ict situations. The military personnel confl ictfree communication culture is characterized not only by knowledge and understanding of the need for confl ict-free professional interaction, the desire for a compromise solution of service issues, but also by the practical skills of actors to assess, prevent, and in some cases resolve confl icts in the course of their own offi cial activities. The presence of a culture of confl ict-free communication, on the one hand, determines the competence of confl ict-free communications, on the other hand, it is the practice of tolerant respect for colleagues. This culture allows a serviceman not to create conditions for transferring confl ict situations to service and labor interaction, to understand the meaning, motivation of the behavior of colleagues and opponents, constantly reduce, and in some cases completely eliminate excessive social tension, overcome emotional outbursts in the process of solving professional tasks.
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