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Fadeev A. Y. Mystical religion and the sources of occultism in the research of Colin Campbell. Izvestiya of Saratov University. Sociology. Politology, 2022, vol. 22, iss. 2, pp. 173-180. DOI:
Mystical religion and the sources of occultism in the research of Colin Campbell
Forms of non-institutionalized religiosity, as a rule, are at the crossroads of research. The study of such a phenomenon in the fi eld of the sociology of religion began in the thirties of the last century. Colin Campbell, developing Trolch’s concept of mystical religion, introduces the new term “mystical community” and analyzes its characteristics: individualism, syncretism, tolerance, relativism and monism. The offi cial culture and sphere of the occult are not isolated from each other, but are found in constant interaction – the hypothesis of K. Campbell, which he confirms by analyzing the conceptual fi eld of terms “intuitialized knowledge” and “common sense”. The author determines the sources of appearance and support of the occult in disagreements between science, religion, culture and common sense.
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