Cite this article as:
Burganova I. N. A New Twist EU Policies in Georgia. Izvestiya of Saratov University. Sociology. Politology, 2018, vol. 18, iss. 3, pp. 323-327. DOI:
A New Twist EU Policies in Georgia
The European neighbourhood policy is under difficult conditions of development. The transformation of the internal situation caused by the UK’s exit from the EU, the migrant crisis, the differentiation of the EU member States, as well as the complication of the situation in the international arena cause the EU’s response to the change of the doctrine of the «new neighborhood», especially in those countries that are most interested in contacts with Brussels (Georgia). A retrospective analysis of changes in the doctrine of «new neighborhood» in Georgia is considered. The range of communication between Brussels and Tbilisi in the economic sphere, political interaction and military cooperation is studied. The conclusion is made about the prospects of the ENP (European neighborhood policy) in the Georgian direction.
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