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Chuikov O. Е. Political Leadership in the Modern System of State Administration of Russia. Izvestiya of Saratov University. Sociology. Politology, 2018, vol. 18, iss. 4, pp. 463-465. DOI:

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Political Leadership in the Modern System of State Administration of Russia

This article deals with such aspects as the identification and definition of goals, means and methods by which leaders manage to enlist the support of the administration and the population. The article reveals the approaches to the definition of the concept of “leadership”, which take place both in foreign political science and in Russia. The political phenomenon of leadership, the process of its development in the system of state and municipal government are described. Psychological, social, political components of leadership, basic models of leadership are revealed. The problems of leadership and implementation of leadership qualities in the modern Russian state are identified and the prospects of modernization of the model of political leadership in Russia are considered.


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