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Kuznetsov I. I., Zharov A. S. Possibilities of historical institutionalism in the study of the organization of local self-government in Russia. Izvestiya of Saratov University. Sociology. Politology, 2023, vol. 23, iss. 2, pp. 202-207. DOI:

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Possibilities of historical institutionalism in the study of the organization of local self-government in Russia

This article considers the possibility of applying the methodology of historical institutionalism in the study of the evolution of the institute of local self-government in Russia. The institute of local self-government in Russia has a rich history and has existed for quite a long time in the context of historical existence of the state, which has undergone a number of signifi cant cardinal changes in its history. The process of transformation and development of the institute in historical dynamics is inherent, including fundamental changes, accompanied by subsequent revision of various aspects of local government functioning. Over time and depending on the existing state structure, the attitude towards the institution of local government, the set of its functions and responsibilities, the breadth of powers assigned to local governments and their status changed, as demonstrated by the study of the peculiarities of local government institution organization in the late imperial, Soviet and contemporary periods. Despite these processes and the constant need to adapt to new conditions of the institutional environment, the purpose of existence of the institution of local government has remained the same. At the same time, during the evolution of the institution of local self-government, the trajectory of previous development plays a signifi cant role, the study of which allows the full implementation of historically established positive practices. Historical institutionalism, in turn, appears to be a promising approach in the study of political phenomena and processes with a longitudinal eff ect, in particular, in the study of the specifi cs of the organisation of the institution of local self-government in Russia.

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