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Magomedov A. К. Post-Soviet Caspian as a geopolitical unit. Problems of description and contours of a new research paradigm. Izvestiya of Saratov University. Sociology. Politology, 2022, vol. 22, iss. 3, pp. 349-354. DOI:

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Post-Soviet Caspian as a geopolitical unit. Problems of description and contours of a new research paradigm

The purpose of this work is to explore the ways of perception and analysis of geopolitical processes in the Caspian area. At the centre of the analysis is the nature of the intellectual eff orts behind knowledge production and representation of the Caspian. This brings our study to the problem of geopolitical positioning of this mesoregion with the prospect of putting forward a new cognitive perspective. The article not only reveals the pernicious nature of the widespread explanatory cliches regarding the Caspian, but tries to answer the question whether it makes sense to talk about a separate Caspian region? If so, in what terms and within what explanatory model can it be explored? Based on the geopolitical signifi cance of the region, this area can be defi ned as the “Great Caspian”, located in the centre of the Eurasian continent. The driving forces behind the formation of the independent signifi cance of this mesoregion are natural resources, trade and transport communications, geopolitical drivers and management of regional confl icts.

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