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Beginina I. А., Ivchenkov S. G., Shahmatova N. V. Professional Advancement of Future Experts in Terms of Secondary Employment. Izvestiya of Saratov University. Sociology. Politology, 2019, vol. 19, iss. 2, pp. 136-140. DOI:
Professional Advancement of Future Experts in Terms of Secondary Employment
The dynamics of secondary employment of students, their occupations, ways of employment, work experience, income and other characteristics are analyzed by means of the sociological research based on questionnaire and statistics. The special emphasis is put on the extent of correspondence of secondary employment with students’ future profession, labor values in particular. In the context of economic recession more students applying adaptive strategies tend to find a job, most of whom aspire to find a part time job. However, not everyone manages to achieve his/her professional goals. This is largely due to the vacancy shortfall and low employers’ interest who are not able to provide high wages, good posts (especially in correspondence to professional education) and labor code insurance. In general, the working students are satisfied with their jobs, terms provided by employers, wages, job title. But many respondents occupy the exact same post for not more than three months. Perhaps it partly accounts for inconsistent views while choosing the area of occupation. A gradual decline in secondary education compared with previous years is observed. The percentage of those who do not work and do not want to be employed increased because of the parents who provide money for them. They view their financial status as being quite high and do not consider it necessary to work themselves. Nowadays students regard work as means of fulfilling material values and satisfying their own needs. They consider material welfare and personal fulfillment to be one of the key values. It proves the fact that pragmatic values come into forefront. The role of professionalism, creativity, popularity is gradually decreasing.
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