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Rassadina T. A., Repina E. I. Rationalization of the Professional Choice of Students of Technical College. Izvestiya of Saratov University. Sociology. Politology, 2018, vol. 18, iss. 2, pp. 149-154. DOI:

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Rationalization of the Professional Choice of Students of Technical College

Rationalization of consciousness and behavior is considered in article as one of characteristics of modern societies impregnating all spheres of activity of various social subjects including youth. Article is devoted to the analysis of tendencies of rationalization of a professional choice of future technical specialists possessing special technical rationality. At the heart of article – results of the empirical research executed by method of focus group, which is carried out among future pilots of civil aviation. Research showed that the most typical is the rational thought-over choice of future profession though existence spontaneous, the even compelled elections isn’t excluded. The most important agent of influence on a choice is the family defining not only choice of profession, but also its appeal. The professional choice has polymotivated determination in which «are weaved» «internal» (in relation to activity) motivation (interest in this sphere, desire to become the competent expert, orientation to receiving a good education), and «external» (prestige and prospects of work, material welfare, requirement to equal hopes of parents etc.). Informants showed high rationalization, a pragmatization of a professional choice, its orientation on target aspects of future professional trajectories focusing actors according to the purpose, means of its achievement and collateral consequences. Research showed absolute sensibleness and rationality of a choice girls of a profession which culture traditionally is maskulinny. The choice not of a «female» type of professional activity was interfaced to overcoming of social stereotypes, prejudices. There are gender differences of rationality. It is proved that the choice of profession depends not only on abilities to development of certain competences, it also reflects a concrete system of values of the personality, future sociocultural type of the expert.


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11 Там же.

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