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Chernyaev E. K. Religious modernism and fundamentalism within the national model of political modernization. Izvestiya of Saratov University. Sociology. Politology, 2021, vol. 21, iss. 4, pp. 472-478. DOI:
Religious modernism and fundamentalism within the national model of political modernization
Being a social religious institution, the church influences the formation of basic national values and specific features of national culture. In the process of modernization, there is a process of politicization of religion through the interaction of religious and political institutions. Due to the difference in the dynamics of modernization transformations and the adaptation of religion to new historical conditions, religious and political institutions acquire unique forms of interaction. This process is accompanied by the emergence of political parties on a religious basis, the formation of new religious and public organizations under the auspices of religious institutions, and the transformation of religious teachings themselves, which has an influence on the formation of a national model of modernization.
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