Cite this article as:
Ivchenkov S. G., Sitnikova S. V., Kalugina T. А. Russian “Russian March” as the Indicator of Citizens’ Social and Political Activity. Izvestiya of Saratov University. Sociology. Politology, 2020, vol. 20, iss. 1, pp. 4-8. DOI:
Russian “Russian March” as the Indicator of Citizens’ Social and Political Activity
The article is devoted to the analysis of citizens’ social and political activity. The motivational specifics of this kind of social and political activity is shown by the example of the responses of the “Russian March” participants in Saratov. Socio-demographic criteria as the factors determining the behavior of active representatives of the protest movement are considered and shown. Cross-statistical analysis allowed to present the portraits of typical participants of the “March” and its activists. The most active participants are often young men preferring to openly express their socio-political positions, willing to participate in such rallies on a regular basis and well-informed about the purpose of the event. They take part in organizing activity and prefer peaceful, authorized forms of expressing their political opinion. The number of active marchers made up less than a third of all those present at the rally. The study showed the regional specifics manifested in a small number and weak intensity of the protest movement, which has no potential for radicalization and aggression.
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