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Khalidova О. B., Shakhbanova M. М. Social Portrait of Dagestan Protestants (By the Results of Sociological Research). Izvestiya of Saratov University. Sociology. Politology, 2019, vol. 19, iss. 1, pp. 62-67. DOI:
Social Portrait of Dagestan Protestants (By the Results of Sociological Research)
The so-called «evangelical awakening» was one of the brightest manifestations of the religious component of the post-Soviet period in Russia. The followers of Protestantism were ideologists of this phenomenon. Strengthening the position of Protestantism in the post-Soviet space clearly revealed itself in the religious and social life of the Russian Federation national regions, particularly in the Republic of Dagestan. The subsequent crisis of the post-Soviet society provoked an «invasion» of Western missionaries. Their purpose was to create sustainable communities. The «invasion» of the preachers «words about Christ» in the poly-confessional space of the Dagestan society was perceived ambiguously, if not negatively. Islam was practiced in this region for many centuries and remained the only «correct» religion with clearly established social attitudes and rules for indigenous people. The social portraits of Protestants in modern Dagestan society and their socio-demographic specifics are revealed in this article. Their adherence to proselytism and missionary activities and focus on the distribution of their religious beliefs among different carriers by sociological dimension of religious well-being followers of Protestant communities are demonstrated. The results of research showed a positive evaluation of proselytism by Dagestan Protestants with the motivation of its non-violent, peaceful and voluntary dissemination, opposition to aggression, ignoring the possibility of aggravation of inter-religious and inter-ethnic relations. It was found that the followers of Protestantism began to be a part of the religious community of post-Soviet Dagestan society by means of missionary and social success of Protestantism with simultaneous existence of negative perception of Eastern Orthodox consciousness as an alien concept. It is revealed that the respondents have different points of view on the propagation of their doctrine among other religious teachings, as well as the mechanisms for using it. On the one hand, declaring the principles of a particular religion free choice are presented, on the other hand, emphasizing the exclusiveness of one’s doctrine with the motivation for its «perfection and correctness» gives the right to conclude that respondents are contradictory in their judgments.
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