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Somkhishvili K. O. Social Solidarity of Men’s Trivial Concepts: The Experience of Qualitative Research. Izvestiya of Saratov University. Sociology. Politology, 2019, vol. 19, iss. 2, pp. 172-178. DOI:

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Social Solidarity of Men’s Trivial Concepts: The Experience of Qualitative Research

The article considers social solidarity and its interpretation. Social solidarity is a complex and contradictory construct, an objectively existing fact and subjectively experienced feeling at the same time. It is something what can appear in society and become its characteristics. It is assumed that the ideas about social solidarity differ from those already considered in earlier. The results of the empirical research are obtained by means of interview method. Twenty male respondents were asked three blocks of questions: the definition of social solidarity, the practices of social solidarity, and its main characteristics. The research showed that social solidarity is perceived as an exceptionally positive characteristics reveling on the bases of words, interactions, and activity. The obligatory condition for formation and manifestation of solidarity is the reason which maybe positive or negative. The research showed the division of respondents into two groups: the first claimed about solidarity possibility in homogeneous groups appealing to solidarity among the equal and the like; the second insisted on solidarity existence among the different. The definition of social solidarity boundaries and classification of the events base on solidarity were the key elements. The results defined dichotomies reflected in trivial concepts which can be transformed and used as quantitive research instruments in further research.


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