Cite this article as:
Popov М. Е. Socio-сultural Integration as a Tool for Resolving Ethno-political Conflicts in the North Caucasus. Izvestiya of Saratov University. Sociology. Politology, 2015, vol. 15, iss. 2, pp. 95-99. DOI:
Socio-сultural Integration as a Tool for Resolving Ethno-political Conflicts in the North Caucasus
The paper is concerned with specificity of the socio-cultural integration as a tool for resolving ethno-political identity-based conflicts in the North Caucasus. The author considers the principle factors of the identity-based conflicts and emphasizes destabilizing role of the politicization of ethnicity. Among the systemic conditions of the regional identity-based conflicts escalation, the author calls: civic identity crisis, traditionalization, ethnic tensions.
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