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Fomin E. V. Sociological analysis of doctrine and social organization of new religious movements in Russia. Izvestiya of Saratov University. Sociology. Politology, 2022, vol. 22, iss. 3, pp. 298-304. DOI:
Sociological analysis of doctrine and social organization of new religious movements in Russia
This article describes and analyzes the dogma and social organization of new religious movements (NRM) according to the author’s classification. The classifi cation was created on the basis of such criteria as the NRM interaction with society and traditional religions, geography, dogma and legal status. The fi nal analysis characterizes the movements which activities are prohibited or restricted in Russia. As a result, it is believed that Jehovah’s Witnesses is a neo-Christian old foreign (incorporated) alternative NRM of the fi rst wave, opposite to the social order. The Church of Scientology is a syncretic (eclectic) foreign (incorporated) reformation NRM of the second wave, adapted to the social environment, the Church of the Last Testament is a syncretic (eclectic) domestic alternative NRM of the Christian type of the fi rst wave. The history, dogma, rituals and practices, social organization, hierarchy, the number of members, current state, relationship with the social environment and legal status are considered. In conclusion, it is noted that the problem of describing the characteristics of NRMs is still widely discussed due to the confessional affi liation of researchers and the variety of NRMs.
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