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Golovina A. A. Sociological Principles of Cities’ Habitat Arrangement. Izvestiya of Saratov University. Sociology. Politology, 2019, vol. 19, iss. 2, pp. 183-185. DOI:
Sociological Principles of Cities’ Habitat Arrangement
The article shows that urbanization, overpopulation and global environmental crisis lead to the need of developing citizens’ daily life new principles arrangement. The key to the formation of a favorable living environment lies in the use of scientific knowledge, modern technology, and implementation of competent urban policy within residential areas. The analysis of scientific reflection on the problems of habitat arrangement shows increasing number of studies appying an integrated approach to creating a comfortable public space. The implementation of this approach is illustrated by the example of improvement of yard areas and playgrounds in Saratov. Though Saratov has preserved its historical buildings, the streets and landscape of most of the city, need to be updated. The study was conducted by means of quantitative methods, within the framework of structuralfunctional approach. The main method of collecting sociological information was a questionnaire. In preparation for the study, a quotastratified method was used to calculate the sample. The study showed that most residents of Kirovsky district know about the location of the nearest playground. Most of the playgrounds in Kirovsky district are in good condition. However, the residents themselves are not ready to be engaged in the ennobling of the territory referring to the lack of time and desire, some believe that this is the work of housing and communal services. Therefore, the problems of habitat development are caused by the lagging pace of habitat changes from the overall pace of socio-economic development and cultural changes taking place in society.
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