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Ivchenkov S. G., Nikiforov Y. А., Romanovskaia O. А., Kalinnikova M. V. Sociological Reflection of the State`s National Policy in Modern Russia. Izvestiya of Saratov University. Sociology. Politology, 2019, vol. 19, iss. 4, pp. 370-374. DOI:

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Sociological Reflection of the State`s National Policy in Modern Russia

The article presents the comparative analysis of the state`s national policy concept and strategyregarding the efficiency of the realized practices of nation building and harmonizing the ethnic confessional relations at the regional level. The state`s national policyin Russia focusing on the background context of ethnic cultural regulators is considered. The authors’ reflection is directed to defining theefficiency of the most often used ways of obtaining social information.The conclusion is made that Verstehen methodology and ethnomethodology posses serious potential. In this subject field the researchinterest is focused on the procedures of the hidden, irreflexive mechanisms of social communication interpretation in the context of studying interrelation of the ethnic and social phenomena in modern society, ethnic processes in various social groups and social processes invarious ethnic communities.

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