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Tomilin O. B., Britov A. V., Fadeeva I. M., Tomilin O. O. Some Mathematical Correlations in Sociological Investigations of Organizational Culture. Izvestiya of Saratov University. Sociology. Politology, 2019, vol. 19, iss. 4, pp. 375-384. DOI:

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Some Mathematical Correlations in Sociological Investigations of Organizational Culture

Designing effective management systems and their successful realization is based on understanding social systems` state and the forecast of their reaction to management systems` changes. The quantitative assessment of these factors represents a problem of setting upmodern management ways. The purpose of the article is to constructand prove diagnostics of organizational culture new characteristics.In the frames of competing values method new characteristics oforganizational culture are introduced: a common cultural vector ,area S and perimeter P of a profile of organizational culture, a difference of common cultural vectors Δ|| || various target groups,a difference of common cultural vectors || 3|| target group of thepresent and desired states of organizational culture. The profiles oforganizational culture were defined by OSAI procedure of K. Kameronand R. Quinn. The empirical materials present the results of the sociological researches (2003, 2016–2018) carried out in some regionsof the Russian Federation. The sociological investigations carried outat some Russian universities made it possible to use the introducedcharacteristics for evaluating: the trends of organization culture development; the deflection from equilibrium state as a condition of statedevelopment; the conflict level among target groups and their installation and emotional burning out accordingly.

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